Rudro Dip Sarker
I gaslight rocks 🪨 to think 🧠tagline
Hey 👋 RDS here! I'm currently working as a software engineer at Radical Health. I'm also the founder of Sonicrypt - world's first blockchain sonification
Frontend: React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, SCSS, Headless UI, ShadCN UI, Framer motion, GSAP, Redux, Recoil, Zustand, SWR, Tanstack Query, Tanstack Router, React Hook Form, Jest, Vitest, Cypress, Playwright, Storybook
Javascript runtime: Node.js, Bun, Deno, Edge runtime (Vercel), CF Worker
Backend: Hono.js, Express.js, Fastapi, Flask, Go, Fiber, Mux
Mobile: React Native, Expo, Flutter, RN MMKV, RN Reanimated, RN Gesture Handler, RN BLE, Flutter BLE
Web3: Solana, Anchor, Solana Wallet Provider, Solana Mobile Wallet Provider, Ethereum, Web3.js
Firmware: C, C++, Rust, Python, Micropython
Firmware IDE: Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, ROS
Hardware: Arduino (UNO, Nano, Micro, Mini), ESP32, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi Pico, Raspberry Pi (Zero, ZeroW, 3, 4)
I modded the Buildspace OS
chrome extension
A journey of me modding the buildspace os chrome extension to customize the look
June 20, 2024
On scroll video playback effect
Let's create an on scroll video playback effect using ffmpeg, framer-motion & nextjs
June 17, 2024