
Rudro Dip Sarker

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I gaslight rocks 🪨 to think 🧠

Hey 👋 RDS here! I am a software developer and founder of Sonicrypt. I build web applications, mobile applications, dapps, backend servers, and embedded devices.

Frontend: React, Next.js, Tailwindcss, Framer motion

Backend: Hono.js, Express.js, Fastapi, Fiber, Mux

Mobile: React Native, Expo, Flutter

Web3: Solana, Anchor, Solana Wallet Provider, Solana Mobile Wallet Provider

Microcontroller: Arduino (UNO, Nano, Micro, Mini), ESP32, ESP8266 PlatformIO, Raspberry Pi

SonicryptOn site

April 2024 - Present

Founder & CEO

  • Developed world's first sonification device for blockchain transactions
  • Developed a web faced product for the device
  • Developed the firmware for the device
  • Developed a mobile app for configuring the device


May 2024 - Present

Founding Engineer

  • Developed the landing page of Leapflow
  • Currently working on the core product of Leapflow


December, 2023 - February, 2024

Fullstack developer

  • Currently adding more features to the web faced product of LunCo
  • Developed the official website of LunCo

Research Lab BangladeshRemote

December, 2023 - April, 2024

Robot Programmer

  • Developed robot firmwares with C++ & Python
  • Gained experience in Arduino IDE & PlatformIO

Rajshahi College Science ClubOn site

November, 2022 - December, 2023

Secretary of IT

  • Managed the IT department of the club
  • Built the official website of the club
  • Supervised competitive programming under Rajshahi College National Science Fest 2023