Rudro Dip Sarker
I gaslight rocks 🪨 to think 🧠 tagline
Hey 👋 RDS here! I build stuff
Frontend: React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, SCSS, Headless UI, ShadCN UI, Framer motion, GSAP, Redux, Recoil, Zustand, SWR, Tanstack Query, Tanstack Router, React Hook Form, Jest, Vitest, Cypress, Playwright, Storybook
Javascript runtime: Node.js, Bun, Deno, Edge runtime (Vercel), CF Worker
Backend: Hono.js, Express.js, Fastapi, Flask, Go, Fiber, Mux
Mobile: React Native, Expo, Flutter, RN MMKV, RN Reanimated, RN Gesture Handler, RN BLE, Flutter BLE
Web3: Solana, Anchor, Solana Wallet Provider, Solana Mobile Wallet Provider, Ethereum, Web3.js
Firmware: C, C++, Rust, Python, Micropython
Firmware IDE: Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, ROS
Hardware: Arduino (UNO, Nano, Micro, Mini), ESP32, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi Pico, Raspberry Pi (Zero, ZeroW, 3, 4)
Harmonic Motion Analyzer
September 5, 2023Harmonic Motion Analyzer is designed to analyze the harmonic oscillation of an object using computer vision techniques, it can analyze live video feed, and has nearly 99.86% accuracy.
Self Driving Car Simulation
May 25, 2023An autonomous car simulation that visualizes the behavior of self-driving cars on a road by using custom NEAT algorithm. The simulation includes features like car movement, collision detection, road boundaries, and traffic interaction.
HTML Canvas
NEAT Algorithm